Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Three More Days.. (or barely)

The gig that we we're supposed to perform in last week was cancelled. I think that was a blessing coz we haven't perfected the performance, and performing could have been tragic. Anyway, in the right time, we will be able to perform.

Barely three days to go till touchdown. We were able to practice yesterday. Luckily, we came up with a convenient time to practice knowing that I work on dayshift while my band mates are working nightshift. We played yesterday and as i expected we are definitely improving.
Aside from the minor faults, the performance was good. Everybody now has memorized the sequence of each of the songs, where to come in, to stop, etc. But still have more polishing to do. And definitely we're running out of time.

I hope we make it on time.

P.S. I'm supposed to look for a "cocktail" costume for our Christmas party yesterday but since we practiced, i left it for another day. After all, a good performance with no cocktail costume is better than a bad performance with nice looking clothes. Don't want to get remarks such a, "Maayo lang sa porma". Hahaha. I think i'll wear pants. To jive with the "banda" look. =)

1 comment:

munificent panyang said...

offbeat/creative style will do wonders. hahaha.

keep rockin' dude! ;)