Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Many of us already have his/ her loved one. They are there to fill our heart with inspiration, joy and sometimes pain. Someone who will hold our hands while walking in the mall, hug us when we are sad, and sit beside us in the jeepneys as we go home. Someone we call honey, baby, dear, love, cupcake and many other sweet names. Someone who will greet us “Happy anniversary!” or give us flowers on our monthsaries. Someone who will let us feel just how much they care.

Most of the time, our loved one is just a stone throw away, but occasionally we can find someone who are miles away from their loved one, even continents away. They engage into what we call long distance relationships and have their long-distance boyfriends and long distance girlfriends. Now I ask you these questions, “Is it worth involving yourself in a long distance relationship?” “Do long distance relationships have happy endings?

People say long distance relationship simply doesn’t work. I think not. I believe that depends on the commitment that the partners have for each other. If they commit to their partners with all their hearts, then I think the relationship will work. Many say you’ll just miss the person too much. Yes, I think that’s true. It is true that we will be apart from our loved one but surely we will not appreciate someone that we have until they are gone. You will learn to value your partner if they are far away from you.

Why commit yourself to a long distance relationship when you can find someone who is near? To answer that, what if the long distance relationship is worth everything? The partner you love might even be better than the ones who are near. Isn’t it worth trying? They say that a long distance relationship is plagued with endless tests and temptations. That’s right but if you love the person dearly, you’ll stay true to him/ her even though you’re far away from each other. True love defies every law, even of distance and time.

How can you be sure that your partner is not cheating? My dear friends, there is no assurance but if you loved the person, you should trust with all your heart and mind. If your partner cheats, it is his/ her loss for surely he/she can never find someone as loyal as you. As Leo Buscaglia once wrote “Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.” And part of loving is getting hurt.

After all, we can’t really say that involving oneself in a long distance relationship is a complete waste of time. Just like life, every relationship is what you make it regardless of your distance with your loved one. If you fill your relationship full of trust and loyalty then I can say you’ll have a healthy relationship. But if you fill your relationship with doubts and assumptions, you’ll just end up hurting each other. If you love the person, you’ll love him no matter the distance. If you can love that much if your partner is far, how much more when he is near, right?

I can truly say long distance is not that bad after all.

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