Wednesday, December 05, 2007

'coz i'm caught in suspension

yup. i guess you're right. the title of this post is a giveaway. it's a line from the song Suspension by Mae. And it's one of the songs that a band i was recently recruited to will play.

here i am again to the "band" atmosphere. i can't say that i'm good nor i look good in a band but i guess everything's just pure luck. last year, i played for a band in my company's christmas party. i played bass guitar to complete a band to represent our team in the battle of the bands. we got the third place, in a contest between three bands. hahaha. not bad.

this year, i'm playing the bass again to a different band but this time we won't be joining a band contest. (sigh!) it could have been a great honor to lose in a battle of the bands twice in a row. hahaha. instead we would be performing for merely a presentation. an ice-breaker. sounds cool? that's the half of it. i think it's not a laughing matter this time.

aside from that, we would be playing this saturday. earlier than i thought. i dunno about the details but it's with other local bands here in cebu. one of my band mates was invited and fortunately (or unluckily is what i think is more appropriate) we were just practicing at that time, so we got ourselves to play. i dunno if this will push through.

i just pray that our performance will be well. anyway, what matters is that we play together as a "band" and not as individual musicians. as what Jack Black's character said in the movie House of Rock; "In the words of AC/DC: We roll tonight... to the guitar bite... and for those about to rock... I salute you.." This is gonna be one interesting Christmas season.

Wish me luck! =)

1 comment:

munificent panyang said...

what is important is you'll be playing as a team. teamwork- more than a prize to be WON!

Be ONE to WIN the crowd...

good luck and rock on! ;)