Thursday, December 13, 2007

2 gifts and counting..

"people making lists, buying special gifts.." keep echoing in my ears. yeah, the yuletide season fever is finally here. christmas party here, party there, party everywhere. a time to be with the family, our friends, our acquaintances, and people we have not seen back in our town. a time when we can rest from a year of work, schooling, exams, strict teachers, terrifying supervisors. a time when hearts are set free, exchange gifts to imitate the wise men gifts' of myhrr, gold and incense.

hahaha. i don't want to keep a serious atmosphere here. i just want to announce the two gifts that i have received so far. i guess this was already given to me. nway, just to be safe, "i assume.." first, a rubik's cube. yehey. it's second hand but doesn't matter as long as i can solve it. not everyone can solve it you know. i'm proud of having it displayed on top of my PC monitor. it's a mixed feeling when people get struck with awe when they see the cube solved on all sides. love the look on their faces. hahaha. i'm not bragging or anything, everything i just said is finished with "..modesty aside and humbly speaking.." hahaha.

second gift, shades. came from my teammate when we held our christmas party last tuesday. it's not the brand that i'm after but ika nga "it's the thought that counts." it's really the purpose of the gift that i'm contented with. anyway, i don't use it that much for now because i come to office at 6 AM and go out at 4 PM. not much sunlight to use it with. hahaha. don't want to get rayban (sana yun na lang! hahaha) and get it snatched somewhere in colon. oh well, i'm happy with it.

third, hopefully would be a jacket. discuss this later in my next articles.
that's it for now, two gifts to keep it going is not bad. hopefully i get more. Hahaha.

P.S. i'm still searching for a gift for this sunday's christmas party and i still have no idea where to find it. frank peretti stuffs, or chronicles of narnia bookset, and more. no band practice today so now's the chance. i found a long sleeve and a tie so cocktail party costume is partially solved. need to find a black slacks and leather shoes. tapos human, mura na og tawo tan-awn. hahaha. translated >> after that, i'll look like a decent man. lol!

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