Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This iS FoR MoDuLe 3..

Module 3 - Preliminary Theories

(hmmmm..Medyo marami marami din ito so please bear with me..hehehe..)

Sticky situation: Fiel designed a computer software that would make detection of enemy codes easier.
Comment: Wo yeah!(Fiel is my name by the way..hehehe!)The emphasis on ethical egoism can be explained if we take Fiel's side in creating this computer software, I think he also thought of taking advantage of his creation. In other words, maybe Fiel created this software to make his work easier in the future because if he suspects invasion in a certain program, he doesn't have to go over long lines of code. He simply have to use his software to confirm his doubts. On the other hand we cannot also eliminate the altruism part, because it is a valid assumption that when he made the program, he was thinking of making other people's work easier. If this is the case then this is ethical altruism.

Sticky situation: Mona plans to buy licensed software in the US using royalties from the sales of her book on computer ethics and donate the software to her alma mater.
Comment: We can think that the hidden purpose of what she is doing maybe is to boost the sales of her book which will show ethical egoism. If she will show people that the sales goes to chartable works, then people will sympathize and will try to buy her book not knowing of her hiiden agenda. For the altruistic side, we can also say that Mona's desire was to donate softwares and she was doing a great favor to her alma mater. Not thinking of her self-interest, she did this promote the good and welfare of her alma mater. This is a clear manifestation of altruism.

Sticky situation: Franchele wants to create a virus that affects only linux O.S.
Comment: For Franchele this would be a great accomplishment for himself 'coz if he can do that he has just surpassed years of making Linux virus-free and secure. This would become his resume surely for in the past decades no one (so far.. I think!) has yet made a virus specifically suited for Linux O.S. If we view this on the altruistic side, we have got to consider two sides, depending on which side Franchele is on. If he is against Linux, then he gives Microsoft a big advantage, coz he will be destroying Linux's reputation of being virus-free. If he is for Linux, then his virus will inspire Linux programmers to work harder on security. His virus will tell them that Linux's security still has room for improvement.

Sticky situation: Lilian debugged a secret code of NBI and sabotage the whole system as form of revenge for what she considers NBI violation of her human rights.
Comment: The only advantage that behind her act is the satisfaction of her hunger for revenge. Although i couldn't agree with her coz I believe "revenge makes you even with your enemy but forgiving them makes you greater than them". Viewing this in an altruistic view, it will just be the same with the previous situation such that she will be helping NBI unknowingly because by debugging the codes, the NBI still has to do more in keeping their system secure. Their security still has room for improvement.

Sticky situation: Jhong contracted Benson to design the web site of a government agency at the cost of 1 million and added free consultancy service.
Comment: From what I understand of this problem, in exchange of the contract Benson is made to pay 1 million to Jhong. (Hopefully I interpreted this correctly). Based on my intepretation, Jhong showed ethical egoism by giving Benson the contract in exchange for the benefit that he will get which is the 1 million. Not only has he shown egoism but also altruism. I think he used this part to cover up for his motives, (kung baga, ito ang kanyang promo!). He gave Benson a chance to earn money and he also added free consultancy to it. (Hmmm.. I think Jhong is still up to the money)

Hey!I'd love to hear from yah. If you have time, kindly post some comments alright? Thanks for reading my opinions. Jah bless you!


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