Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Jake Vs. EtHiCs

CaSe No. 2
Jake bought licensed computer software at MouseNBrowse. Because of the high price he paid for the purchase of the software, Jake thought of reproducing copies of it to be sold to friends and acquaintances. Jake knew he would be violating the law. Nevertheless, he executed his plan and sold pirated software.

My CoMmEnt (HeRe We Go AgAin.. whEw!)
I shall be dividing my comments into four parts. One for each law that we have discussed, as to whether Jake violated or was in conformity wit the said laws.
DIVINE LAW. As we all know, piracy is a punishable crime in our society today because as most people say, it is a form of stealing. Since it is so, stealing computer software or whatever thing is automatically a violation to the divine law because a violation on other laws is a violation of the divine law.
NATURAL LAW. Jake is clearly violating the natural law. Although there is no clear agreement between Jake and the company, as a person Jake should be aware that he is stealing money from the company. It is because the money paid to him should have been used by his friends in purchasing original softwares.
PHYSICAL LAW. Although we can say that physical laws can never be violated, because it is the law running without we being aware of it, I can say that Jake did not violate any physical law. "In every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Jake did not simply consider the consequences of his act. He did not view the effect of his plan in totality. He only thought of enriching himself, not even thinking of the software company.
MORAL LAW. Stealing is morally bad, Jake was aware of it, yet he still did so. He violated the moral law. Period! No questions asked!

Thanks for reading my blog. Hope you learned something from it. Till next time. Ciao! -ntrl_mystc-

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