Wednesday, November 09, 2005

EtHiCs Vs. CiNdY'S AcT

CasE No. 1
Cindy is a student from a prestigious university. They were given a case scenario on which they are ask to raise their opinion based on the ethical principles discussed in their ethics class. Cindy was so resourceful that she found quite good opinions and explanations from the internet. Consequently she simply copy- pasted and the online-material. She submitted her output with minor edits on the contents. As the result, her professor was so impressed by her work.

My oPiNiOn (aNd So i ThOuGht..)
This case is a classic example of one of the many world's most debated sentence. "The end does not justify the means". In this case, the end of Cindy's actions is that she impressed her "superb" work when in fact she only copied it from the internet. In the definition of ethics in the class, ethics is an area of philosophy that deals with man's pursuit of the “good life”, such that the attainment of “good life” is predicated upon one's adherence to ethics. This is means that ethics is used as a means to reach a particular end which justifies the “good life”. As we have seen, the means in which Cindy used to achieve "good life" is very much unethical because she gets all the credit when in fact she was not the one who made her work. If we read the case closely, the teacher required the student's opinion, in this case Cindy's, so she got to make her opinion and must not rely on others for her assignment.

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