Wednesday, November 23, 2005

MoDuLe 5

I would choose the problem on freedom.

I think this would summarize all other problems on the morality. As we can see, all other problems will just be a part of the problem on freedom because the other problems are just based on some restrictions, which mean they have no freedom in totality. If we were to ask ourselves what is morally right, what is wrong, it would take time because we have to take many considerations. But what if there were no considerations that we have to base on? What if we can do anything? I think that's what limits man and his actions. If there's nothing that can stop man from doing anything, then they say that he has no morality. Worse, since we people are used to basing our actions on some standard so we can't fully express our feelings of hate, fear, and other struggles in life.

I'm not saying that people should fully express their feelings because if we express our feelings without considering others then we might hurt somebody without we knowing it. As what they say, we are free to do anything to our hearts desire but the question is whether our action is right. We can but is it right? To better understand this we will look at an example.

Example. This is a common issue among the youth today and in fact it is very controversial. What I'm talking about is the issue on pornography, such as visiting pornographic sites. Is viewing of pornographic materials in these sites bad or good? If we use computers in the internet café, it is impossible for the café-in-charge to check whether the users are visiting the appropriate websites. The café-in-charge could not accommodate all the users. No matter how many posters are posted which disallows the visiting of pornographic sites it goes to the user, it is the user's decision whether to open it or not. He is of course aware that he can do anything he wills, in other words he has the freedom to do anything. He knows that no one will restrain him but if he is moral, he will not visit these sites. He knows his freedom to do it but he has to ask himself if it is right. As I was saying, this all depends on the person using the café.


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