Friday, March 20, 2009

CLP Chronicles - Introduction

March 20, 2009 - After a year as a SFC, after all the activities, meetings, talks, sharings, prayer meetings, I think it's a good idea to look backwards and recall how I started as a Singles for Christ.

Just a little background, I completed my CLP last May 2008. Life has changed much for me after that. Although there still lot of struggles but I think overall, my life has become better. I met a lot of good and different people in the community, who supports you and the same time it became an outlet for me to serve other people as well. Last March 8, after so many rumors flying, I finally learned from our chapter head that i will be serving in the first semester CLP as a facilitator.

I was of course shocked because it was barely a year since I joined the community. I had a lot of reasons to decline because I lack experience, teachings, maturity, and the list would go on and on. Tristan explained so much things, but a statement was what struck me the most.

"It would a natural tendency for everyone to lay back and remain in the comfort of being a member. Just always a member."

Yeap. He's right. After hearing him, I accepted that I can't always be a member. Eventually we have to grow up in the community and being a facilitator opens up all the opportunities for me to grow. I had all the reasons to say No but nevertheless I said yes.

I know that by just saying yes, God will help me. I know this is not my work, I'm just an instrument. I also thought that this is one way for me to look back at how I started as an SFC.

I will be posting blogs every week and share what I learned in the sessions. It will be a sort of reflections or a journal to record my CLP experience. After all, only few are given the chance to attend a CLP over again.

Thus the title - The CLP Chronicles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's one that always kept me going on despite my shortcomings:

"God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called."

Don't ever say that you have nothing to share.. You're HIS instrument...not perfect, but a living witness :) I'm proud of you Pilo! God bless!