Monday, March 09, 2009

2 GK Sites in 1 day

March 1, 2009 - On the morning, we were supposed to met at Metro Ayala at 8 AM but since i woke up a little late, I had to text my household head that i won't be able to go to Ayala anymore. I'll have to go to directly to the GK site in Budlaan. I arrived there in time to see the kids singing songs, dancing, performing, all to their hearts desire. As always, it was always heartwarming to see little kids pouring their hears out in performing.

Some ladies from C2A were the ones incharge of the activities. They brought clay toys for the kids and the kids were more than happy with the upcoming activity. The kids were grouped and kuyas and ates were asked to supervise the activites. Not only to guide them but also to prevent them from fighting over the clay materials. I was assigned to a group and the kids made their artwork.

While waiting for them to finish, Jared, Adrian, PJ and I decided to play basketball. 2 against 2. Eventually Jared and me won after 6 points because we can no longer stan the heat of the sun. We decided to go back to the activities in time to serve snacks.

After a small talk by Ate Rose, we were done. Another day complete. Another enjoyable day with the kids in GK Budlaan.

In the afternoon, we went to GK Naga. It was first time here and the site was near the beach so on the way there, we were welcomed by the sea breeze. We had games, story telling, puppet presentation and the kids really enjoyed that afternoon. After there, we said goodbye and went back to Cebu.

It was a long day but it was worth it. :)

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