Wednesday, May 14, 2008

another chance..

amidst all the worldly frustrations, failures, endless trials and tribulations, most people tend to lose hope easily. we become so engrossed in pleasing our boss, making that deadliest deadline, nailing that much covited job interview, or drinking the "tagay". we are so focused in succeeding in life, always moving forward to achieve our dreams that we forget to pause for awhile and enjoy life's beauty at its best. and most of all, we miss the chance of thanking the source of everything - God.

i was not an exception to this. after graduation, i was really excited to be in the real world. feeling fully equipped, i did what new graduates usually do and that is to search for a good paying job. looking for a job was not at all a walk in the park, it was really really hard. i become so occupied in doing interviews, taking exams and looking for job postings. that was one of the most trying times of my life and i forgot God.

after months of futile job seeking, i paused. for the first time in six years, i prayed. well, it was really not a prayer, rather it was more of a confrontation. i asked God what was missing? what do i don't have that other's have? why can't i be accepted to even one job? why? why? why? isn't my skills enough yet? don't i deserve a good job?

the good thing about God is He doesn't give up on us. He always calls us and reminds us that He always prepares the best things for us. i learned that the hard way. i realized that no matter how good we think we are, it's no use without God calling the shots. we are still nothing without God. i came to realize this and i humbled myself before Him. and lo! after just several weeks, i got accepted to a good paying job and the icing to the cake was i was accepted on my birthday. whew! it was really something. it was the best gift i had for my birthday.

it's alright to do our best to attain our dreams but we must not forget to praise God for all our talents, abilities and opportunities. we might be too busy looking ahead of the road of life and we missed the beauty trees and the pretty flowers that we passed. we have to pause and really enjoy the moment and really thank God for His goodness.

this saturday will be my last CLP session, and soon i will be a Singles for Christ. i really see this as an opportunity to thank God for all His blessings and for all He has given to me. i look forward to serving him through this community and hopefully this will be another chance - a chance to finally thank Him. May God be praised!


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