Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Live Station of the Cross (Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines)

Filipinos have been known to be devout Catholics. Our culture has been made colorful by practicing century-old rituals like the "prosisyon", "Sinakulo", "Paskong Pinoy" and many other traditions that we have grown with through the years. Some of these traditions have been practiced on the most holiest days of the Catholic Church; the Holy Week.

I went home to observe the Holy Week on my native town of Hilongos in the Leyte province. I arrived on the dawn of the Good Friday and it has been a practice in our town to do the Station of the Cross around town on the early morning of Good Friday. Still lacking sleep from the travel from Cebu, I did have doubts to go with the Station of the Cross but I thought, "Oh heck! Now's not the time to just sleep and not do a li'l sacrifice." Together with my sister, I brought with me my 3110 cellphone to capture some of the highlights of the activity. Fortunately, my efforts was not totally wasted because the reflections on each station was very realistic.

Realistic? Nah, i don't really know what's the exact word to describe it but the Station of the Cross was not an ordinary one. Unlike the traditional stations, where a picture of the different labors of Christ before He was put to death by nailing on the cross, was to be seen, there was a little something different because a stage was put up on one Station and actors and actresses act something to send a message to those who attended the activity. Got it? It's like they act a picture of our modern life that represents or reflects on what happened to Jesus on a certain station. I have captured pictures on some of the stations and I will try to recall the reflections on the station.

1.Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemani. REFLECTION: The Families of Today. The first station portrays two families. One which is poor and the other which is blessed with food. The main scene is the eating time in which the poor family shares left-over foods while the rich family is dining over a feast. The rich family's father sees the poor family and tells her wife so to let the poor eat with them. The wife is reluctant at first but eventually gives in. The final scene shows the two families sharing the food. VALUES SHOWN: Sharing, unity in the family inspite of being poor, instilling to the kids the right values at their young age

2. Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. REFLECTION: Pushed by the Hard Times. This station shows a mother who can no longer bear the problems of the family like so many debts, irresponsible husband and lack of funds to support the family needs. In desperation, she commands her children to do evil things. She pushes her young son to become a snatcher in the market. She tells her daughter to become a prostitute. REALITIES SHOWN: Crimes, poverty

3. Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin
4. Jesus is denied by Peter,
5. Jesus is judged by Pilate,
6. Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns,
7. Jesus takes up his cross,
8. Jesus is helped by Simon to carry his cross,
9. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem,
10. Jesus is crucified. REFLECTION: Premarital Sex. Young youth do premarital sex and brings about unwanted pregrancy. Afraid that the respective families will know and the shame brought about by being impregnated outside marriage, the couple resort to abortion. After much realization, the girl decides to keep the child. REALITIES SHOWN: Rampant practice of premarital Sex, Abortion

11. Jesus promises his kingdom to the good thief. REFLECTION: The Family of an OCW. The mother left the family to work abroad. The father does his best to discipline his child while struggling his inner struggles of stopping his vices. On one occasion, the child misses class and lies to his father. The father scolds the child and in anger says bad things to him. The child calls his mother and his mother advices his child to understand his father. Father and child reconciles after. REALITIES SHOWN: Struggles of a typical OCW family, cutting classes because of computer games addiction, family reconciliation.

12. Jesus entrusts Mary and John to each other. REFLECTION. The Prodigal Son. This story is similar to the one in the bible.

13 . Jesus dies on the cross.

14. Jesus is laid in the tomb. REFLECTION: The Rich Family. In this station, a typical Don and Doña is introduced. They are typical modern-day tyrants; they donate much an orphanage just to be seen as "good people" but in reality they maltreat people. Out of gratitude, the nun gives Don a bible and he places it on his breast pocket. When the nun leaves, they complain. A poor wife asks for help but her pleas fell on deaf ears. While walking, an angry mob sees the couple and attacks them. Instead of being hit on the chest, the bible given by the nun is the one stabbed. They see this as a good sign and decides to change. REALITIES SHOWN: Pakitang-tao, Helping Others, Chance to Reform

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