Wednesday, January 11, 2006

MoDuLe 13

1. Are you in favor of the enactment and enforcement of laws that will regulate and control the use of computer technology? Explain your answer.

I would definitely agree to regulate and control the use of computer technology. It is because crimes unknowingly are done in large-scale values. A very good example is the piracy of copyrighted information. Here in the Philippines, people think that piracy is just okay because it’s an accepted norm. They think that piracy is not a crime. But if we enact and enforce laws that will regulate and control computer technology use, people will become aware that what they are doing is not good and is punishable as a crime. I think that this is a very good step in stopping computer-related crimes. The only problem that we will meet I think is the way they enforce and implement these laws because the general trend in implementing laws is that they are good only in the first few months of implementation. After awhile, the way they enforce is no longer that tight and so people comes back to committing those crimes again. Another thing is that some government officials can be bribed so laws created or enacted became useless. As my final word, it is not about what laws we enact or enforce, it is about how we implement these laws that matter.

2. If you were to decide the case of Landmark Hacking, what will be your judgment? Support your answer (use jural and non-laws or ethical principles)

I find the defendant guilty of the crimes she has been tried in this honorable court. I would find the defendant guilty as charged. If the defendant was morally right, even if she was given the user account and password, she should have not proceeded in the illegal entry to the system. Even if she says that she has no bad intentions in hacking the system she cannot justify her actions because the fact that she entered the system illegally would definitely incriminate her. It was also found out that she and the other person possessed classified documents that belong to the school which were not supposedly possessed by employees. Because of this, it can be concluded that she stole instructional material that are important part of the school business. Stealing of valuable documents using computers is clearly a computer crime. I think she is really guilty of the charges.

PLeAsE PoSt SoMe CoMmEnTs. ThAnK YoU! :-)

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