Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Visit to M.V. Doulus

Hi everyone. Whew! I've been to the ship but i was not really that thrilled. I mean, the line was long and you have to go around the pier just to get yourself to the ticket booth. The books? Men, they are really for kids. I mean, you got children books, bibles and all that. And oh, there's the almanac, thesaurus and and some atlas. Plus if you dig religious songs this is the place for you. Also some books to get your weight down, how to cook stuff, vegetarian recipes and books about tropical fishes (thrilling huh!). If you want to learn how to play soccer, yup lucky you! there are a lot of teach-yourself-how-to-play-soccer books.

What I liked about the visit is that you get to purchase books sometimes at really low price. If your lucky though. Purpose driven life books come at 200 pesos and the whole Lord of the Rings Saga comes at 400 pesos. Amazing right? THe three books combined to one compiled copy at a price much lower compared to purchasing the three books separately. Plus the nice sea breeze and as you go down the ship you get a glimpse of the whole pier 1.

If you love souvenirs, you are not lost. If you can afford there's the Doulos mugs that comes around 150 pesos. ( I couldn't afford so i didn't buy one.Hehehe) And the Doulos ballpen (Oh God! It's so dear) comes around at 25 pesos. And there are stickers, and other stuff that will forever remind you that you have visited MV Doulus.

Okey, okey I admit. I don't wanna spoil your POSSIBLE visit to the ship. But i wanna tell you guys i didn't enjoy the visit. As a book enthusiast, there are not much things to purchase. Or maybe i just expected too much about the ship and unluckily it did not meet my expectations. Or maybe just maybe, they have already run out of "good stuff" to sell. ( I heard that this will be the last voyage of the ship because it's so old.)

Hmm. That's basically it. Hope you still visit the ship after reading this. Hehehe. God bless and have a nice day.

TRIVIA: MV Doulos was made in 1914. And imagine how many years it has been travelin'. Almost a century. Cool!

P.S. The price of the books in MV Doulos come in Doulos units. So instead of 200 pesos you see 200 units which means 200 Doulos units. 1 Doulos unit is equivalent